By Sonny Hernandez
False teachers have invaded many so-called churches. Deceivers pretend to be servants or heralds of Christ but are serpents, hirelings, and compromisers. Many imposters will even work as pastors but are wannabe psychotherapists.
Not all heretics are the same. Many will openly teach and bloviate about the heresies they teach. In contrast, some are more deceptive, masquerading as sound teachers, but are ambiguous about their convictions, leading many to think they teach the truth while secretly embracing liberalism.
According to Scripture, men who teach heresy are guilty of blasphemy. Men who remain silent about false teachers are hirelings. And men will defend wolves because they are wolves. False teachers are historically known for these practices. Christians should, therefore, never tolerate or use euphemisms to describe their diabolical actions.
Heretics will always give excuses for their actions, trying hard to present themselves as loving counselors who care for hurt people. After gospel ministers expose their unscrupulous teachings, wannabe psychotherapists will digress their feelings and whine about feeling persecuted, disparaging everyone who disagrees with their liberalism as "unloving," "Pharisees," and "mean-spirited."
Deceitful ministers are inclusive, agreeing with everyone they speak to privately. They will not make their actual views known until gospel ministers call them out and people realize they are counterfeits, not Christians.
Wolves who masquerade as ministers know how to simultaneously teach heresy and stay connected with those who oppose it. All they need to do is teach heresy and, when called out, quickly redefine their terms, even though their doctrines are antithetical to Scripture, so their gullible friends will agree with them. This practice allows false teachers to remain conciliatory with heretics and those who oppose it.
Wannabe psychologists, pretending to be ministers, treat doctrine insolently and tell people they are free to embrace whatever doctrine or philosophy they want. Yet 2 John 1:10 states, "If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine [Christ], receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed." Galatians 1:8 warns about teaching a false gospel:
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
Nonetheless, phony ministers cannot prove the points they desperately try to make; their arguments prove they are heretics. Therefore, beware of false teachers who are wannabe psychotherapists, not pastors.