By Sonny Hernandez
Romans 10:9 is a text many Arminians have grossly twisted. Some say this text refers to the "ABCs of salvation," i.e., admit, believe, and confess. Many think this text proves that anyone can attain salvation by admitting sin, believing in Jesus, and confessing Him as Lord.
Arminians also believe Romans 10:9 demonstrates that one can exercise their free will to accept Jesus into their heart, repeat a prayer to be saved or walk an aisle at church to have eternal life. The following ten points explain why the Arminian interpretation of Romans 10:9 presents a false gospel.
1. The Arminian interpretation of Romans 10:9 presents a false gospel because it highlights men's decisions as superior to the Master's decree. Jonah did not say, "Salvation is per men's decisions," but stated, "...Salvation is of the LORD" (Jonah 2:9).
2. The Arminian interpretation of Romans 10:9 presents a false gospel because it encourages people to think that anyone can believe but ignores John 12:39-40, which teaches that God has blinded the eyes and hardened the hearts of the wicked so they will never see or accept the truth.
3. The Arminian interpretation of Romans 10:9 presents a false gospel because it teaches that men choose Christ. Yet, Christ stated, "for without me ye can do nothing..." (John 15:5), and "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you..." (John 15:16).
4. The Arminian interpretation of Romans 10:9 presents a false gospel because it teaches that men can exercise their free will to accept Jesus and attain salvation, but Christ stated, "...With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26).
5. The Arminian interpretation of Romans 10:9 presents a false gospel because it teaches that men have the ability and desire to come to God. Yet, Paul declared, "...there is none that seeketh after God" (Romans 3:11), and Christ stated, "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him..." (John 6:44).
6. The Arminian interpretation of Romans 10:9 presents a false gospel because it underscores men's superstitious free will and undermines the Savior's finished work.
7. The Arminian interpretation of Romans 10:9 presents a false gospel because it presupposes that salvation is conditional upon something men must do, not on what Christ accomplished.
8. The Arminian interpretation of Romans 10:9 presents a false gospel because it implies that faith is the cause and ground of justification and not the perfect righteousness of Christ alone, excluding works. This view is a denial of Sola Fide and Solus Christus.
9. The Arminian interpretation of Romans 10:9 presents a false gospel because it suggests that faith precedes regeneration. This doctrine is a popular heresy called decisional regeneration.
10. The Arminian interpretation of Romans 10:9 presents a false gospel because it indicates that faith is synonymous with the righteousness that God requires to enter into eternal life. This view promotes Roman Catholicism and rejects Christ's righteousness.
Bottom line: The reprobate will never believe because God the Father actively and unconditionally predestined them for hell. God the Son never purchased their salvation and did not resurrect for their justification. And the Holy Ghost will never apply the merits of Christ to them.
Only the elect of God will confess and believe in the resurrected, exalted, and glorified Christ because the Father actively and unconditionally decreed their salvation, and the Son died and resurrected from the grave on behalf of the sheep. After God regenerates the elect, He gives them the gift of faith to believe because of the Savior's righteousness alone, excluding works and law-keeping.