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Universal or Unlimited Atonement

Sonny Hernandez

Updated: Apr 13, 2023

By Sonny Hernandez

Excerpts from Sonny Hernandez's book, "Gospel Defense."

The Arminian view of unlimited or universal atonement is heresy and undermines what Christ accomplished on behalf of the sheep, not the goats.

Arminians believe Christ died for all, yet many will go to hell. This view of the death of Christ implies that the blood of Christ was not effectual in saving all for whom the Savior died, and it indicates that salvation depends on the sinner and not the Savior.

Most Arminians believe in the Father's conditional election, Christ's unlimited atonement, and the Spirit's sealing of those who believe in Christ. Holding to these views is tantamount to rejecting the Trinity. Examine the following reasons why:

Arminians will admit they are not universalists, meaning they don't believe everyone will attain salvation. Therefore, Arminians believe the Father conditionally elected only some He foresaw would accept Him, not all without exception.

Arminians will incessantly and dogmatically argue that Christ died for all men without exception or for everyone who has ever lived in the world.

Since Arminians are not universalists, they believe the Holy Spirit will only apply regeneration to some who believe in Christ, but not all men without exception.

Therefore, according to Arminianism, the Father chose less than those for whom Christ died, and Christ died for more than those whom the Father chose to save. The Spirit seals less than those for whom Christ died, and Christ died for more than those whom the Spirit will seal.

In summary, Arminians believe there is contradiction and disharmony in the operation of the Godhead, which is a denial of the biblical doctrine of the Trinity.

The Bible teaches perfect unity and harmony in the operation of the Godhead. The Father chose the elect (Ephesians 1:4-6) and not the reprobate. The Son died for the sheep (Ephesians 1:7), and not the goats (John 10:26). And the Spirit seals the elect of God for whom Christ died (Ephesians 1:13).

Put another way, the Father chose precisely those for whom Christ died, Christ died for all those whom the Father elected and gave to Him (John 6:37), and the Spirit seals the elect of God for whom Christ died. There is perfect unity in the Godhead.

In summary, the Arminian doctrine of universal or unlimited atonement undermines the biblical doctrine of the Holy Trinity and is, therefore, a false gospel.

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