By Sonny Hernandez
The gospel means good news and points to the doctrine of particular redemption, also known as the penal obedience of Christ. Per Scripture, Christ died for the sheep (John 10:11, 15), not the goats (John 10:26).
Christ's finished, and saving work for the elect is good news. None of them will perish but have everlasting life because the Triune God infallibly secured the salvation of the saints of God for whom Christ died (John 10:27-30).
Arminians reject the truths above and think Jesus died for all men, head for head and soul for soul. This Arminian doctrine, called universal or unlimited atonement, is thus terrible news. Examine the following seven reasons:
1. Per Arminians, Jesus died for everyone but did not save, redeem, or reconcile all men, indicating he wasted blood on those who would never attain salvation.
2. Per Arminians, Jesus died for all but could not redeem all, proving his blood was not efficacious to save all, and he was a failure.
3. Per Arminians, Jesus died for all men, head for head and soul for soul, yet all men will not receive salvation, meaning he only made men savable, redeemable, and reconcilable.
4. Per Arminians, Jesus died for everyone but couldn't save all because they believe salvation is conditional on the sinner's free will, not the Savior's finished work.
5. Per Arminians, Jesus died for everyone, but all men cannot say, "God took my wretchedness and gave me His righteousness."
6. Per Arminians, Jesus died for all men without exception, but all men cannot say, "Christ's death placated the Father's wrath on my behalf" because God will cast many into hell (Revelation 20:14-15).
7. Per Arminians, Jesus' death was sufficient to save all but will never redeem all, proving their view of Christ's death is a hypothetical argument, not a biblical truth.
Therefore, the Arminian doctrine of unlimited or universal atonement is terrible news because it does not promote the Jesus of the Bible. The Arminian Jesus is not the Savior but is Satan.